ISO 9001:2022 / 27001 : 2022

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rocess is extremely time consuming and can cost a company a fair chunk of their profits if they were to do it in-house. Instead, this precious time can be engaged in developing their productive aspect to expand their existing businesses.

When the decision makers of a company decides to unlock their liquid capital, and invest in the core competence of their business the first though that comes to the mind is to outsource its mundane processes.

IBN Technologies Limited has also been a witness to the constant changes in the rules governing the payroll and taxation sectors as well as has helped its clients for the same in the past. This leads to erroneous calculations that can result in sizeable penalties. The truth is that these days, payroll outsourcing is one of the largest outsourcing functions on account of the large number of small, medium and large companies that can see huge benefits in the long run.

Payroll processing is a highly specialised area that goes far beyond just writing checks. It is responsible for a host of other activities as well that can include: managing the health and pension contributions of every employee, filing reports every quarter, arriving at the exact payable amount even for overseas employees among several other functions.

With the highly trained and qualified staff at IBN Technologies Limites ; whose services can result in a savings of up to 40 % for clients over the past 16 years, includes having all the documentation required well ahead of the deadline.

In case the outsourcing company has operations overseas, IBN Technologies Limited has offices all over the world to ensure the smooth functioning of these operations. Payroll outsourcing is a serious business and needs constant compliance and accuracy without any form of complacency creeping in over extended periods of time.

Payroll outsourcing requires the utmost security as it is dealing with sensitive and private information. At no cost must it get into wrong hands. It’s not just about ensuring that all the checks to the employees and the IRS have been dispatched on time, but the security involved in doing so. IBN Technologies Limited is well aware of the shortcomings and only employ their most trusted personnel for these tasks.

At the outset, in can be a discerning task to hone in on the right payroll outsourcing partner. An important method is to try and get the opinion of some of the outsourcing company’s trusted parties, and go with the one with the most referrals. This is not a fool proof method as it can be manipulated at times. The other safer method is to go by the universally established credentials a company has to its name. Either way, it will be realised that   IBN Technologies Limited   is the right one for your entire payroll outsourcing needs.

It is equally important to understand the exact nature of the work that needs to be outsourced and the most competent service providers in the business.